
Hearing Test Edmonton

Edmonton Hearing Loss Hazards And Your Workers

Noise induced hearing loss is a preventable disability. Companies where noise is a workplace or job hazard have a duty to assess the risk level and ensure appropriate loss controls are in place.

This includes at minimum three aspects:

  1. establishing an effective hearing conservation program within your safety system,
  2. assessing the noise levels for your worksites or work tasks, and
  3. using audiometry to assess worker hearing.

You can get help from SCS for all these aspects.

Our safety management division experts can help you tailor your hearing conservation program to meet the unique needs of your company. Our industrial hygiene division personnel can help assess the noise levels for your worksites or specific work tasks. And our occupational health division can carry out hearing tests on your affected workers.

Click the buttons below to e-mail our safety management division or industrial hygiene division, or continue reading to find out how we can help with audiometry for your staff.

The role of audiometry in your Edmonton safety system

OHS requirements

Most jurisdictions, including Alberta in the OHS Code, require employers to do the following for employees exposed to noise in excess of a particular threshold, which is typically 85 dBA for a certain amount of time:

  • conduct a baseline hearing test within six months of the hire date,
  • perform another hearing test taken one year after the initial baseline hearing test, and
  • continue to conduct hearing tests once every two years thereafter (industry best practice supports doing this every 12 months).

​Testing helps workers and employers

Audiometric assessments help to identify problem areas, and protect workers by identifying the early onset of noise-induced hearing loss.

​This testing also protects employers from liability issues by establishing baseline levels of hearing for the worker, thus preventing unwarranted hearing loss settlements and lawsuits.

Courtesy and confidentiality for your workers

Hearing is an essential part in life, so people are sensitive about their risks and current hearing levels. Our certified audiometric technicians always conduct hearing tests with courtesy and respect, clearly explaining how the testing works and what the results mean. They also provide education regarding noise exposure risks and hearing protection and offer counselling resources and referrals as needed, all while ensuring confidentiality for the worker’s health information.​

​To arrange a hearing test for your worker, just click the button below to book online.